Baby’s First Superfood: Salmon


I bet you are wondering HOW could your child benefit from fish eggs, and WHY would you even offer it? I get it lol. While it may seem strange, this food, too, has been being consumed by our ancestors for centuries and was considered a staple for pregnant woman as well as children in the Eskimo cultures.

Not only is it full of brain-boosting DHA, “Dr. Price detailed the great lengths the natives of the Andes went to carry dried fish roe from sea level back to their villages high in the mountains—sometimes hundreds of miles—to supply those of childbearing age with the nutrients needed to make the healthiest of babies. These nutrient- dense eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, and K2 (Activator X) along with zinc, iodine, and the brain building fatty acid DHA, making them a powerful superfood for babies and adults alike.” (Read more on that here.)

Also great for practicing the pincer grasp, a new development between 8-10 months. A brain-boosting food full of omegas. Babies need 500mg EPA and DHA daily. Cod liver oil is a good source but this is an ancient sacred tradition for preconception, nursing moms, babies and growing kiddos! Holding off on fish until baby is bigger used to be recommended but now it’s proven that introducing it around this age is better protection against fish allergies developing. Kids tend to develop strong preferences for food before age 5, so make sure to introduce fish often so they acquire that good love and taste of healthy seafood early on! Salmon ranks really high on the DHA and EPA, too, making it a perfect food for baby. Here’s 2 simple ways we serve it to our littles:

1) Salmon Roe


1 tsp salmon fish roe (raw or frozen and thawed)
Coconut oil (optional)


  1. Warm the roe in a pan with coconut oil, if desired.

  2. Serve alongside or stirred into a meal, such as a soft-boiled egg, mashed avocado, or other foods your baby is enjoying and tolerating.

2) Salmon Puree Finger Food


2 T ghee, coconut oil or grass-fed butter 
2 fillets (4-6 oz each) wild caught salmon, deboned  
1-2 cups bone broth 


  1. In a medium saucepan, add bone broth and bring to a simmer.

  2. Add fish to the skillet, making sure it's covered completely with broth.

  3. Cover with lid and cook 6-10 minutes (depending on thickness of the fish). Remove fish and make sure it is cooked through.

Puree: If pureeing, transfer to a blender and puree, adding broth for desired consistency.

BLW: Flake the salmon, and serve as a finger food!


  • Double the recipe if pureeing, so that you have a stock-pile of frozen fish cubes to mix and match for foods! 

  • How to store it: Divide puree or flaked fish into ice cube trays, freeze overnight, then transfer to an airtight zip bag or glass container/jar for up to 6 months.

  • You can alternatively save some in the refrigerator in a glass jar, then divide the rest to freeze. 



    • Super Nutrition for Babies by Katherine Erlich


Baby’s First Superfood: Liver Pâté


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